We have all heard that saying that goes something like this: if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life. I liked teaching a lot. And then I spent years striving to get higher credentials to make greater impact in schools. Simultaneously I lived with a husband that made things harder than they had to be. For many people, life is full of twists, turns, and peaks and valleys in which traumas and fears are collected, and over time cause constrictions and illness. In my case, eventually I found myself so far from meaningful, purposeful work that I had to unplug and start all over again, on every level.
Flow is living in a place of ease where you are at one with what you are doing. Work and life flow easily as you are living your dharma and at one with the Divine.
Where do you find flow? How do you find flow, creativity, and ease in daily life when you are used to listening to the news, constant problems, and chaos? In order to find your flow you first need to ask yourself, who am I ? Who. Am. I. And you need to marinate on that for a while. Who are you beneath the masks and beneath the expectations and judgements of others? Who is the beautiful unhurt child version of you and what are your dreams? Becoming connected to yourself can take a while and mindfulness meditation is very helpful in allowing the mind to quiet which allows for that mind-body-soul connection to take root, especially if you are a ruminator. What is your vision of being your higher and best self? Not the vision someone else holds for you, but your true vision of yourself being the person you’ve always wanted to be? What are you doing in that version of yourself? What are you not doing in that version of yourself? In my vision peace is foremost. Being in a loving, egalitarian relationship is also important to me. Helping others on their healing journey and living on my own terms come next. I need to have outdoor time in nature, time alone and time to work and be social. Financial independence and abundance is also part of my vision.
Take some time to reflect this season and create a vision of your best self. In this vision are you more relaxed, more creative, more loving, Are you doing meaningful work that you really love or making more money? Anything goes here as long as it is authentic. Next take some action but equally important, also allow the Universe, God, Spirit to guide you as you begin to let go of fears and self judgement and other things that you cannot control. Focus on your strengths and begin to attract others with like minds and start the process of collaborating and growing.
Building my dream at Thrive Farm is flow work for me. Planning and collaborating on the first retreat, getting the spaces ready and meeting with the presenters/teachers is my natural energy doing what it’s best at while encouraging and supporting others that need to put down their backpacks full of trauma and delve into self care for a weekend. This is the type of deep self care that stays with you, along with coaching and support opportunities after the retreat weekend. This “work” speaks to me and nourishes my soul to provide a space for healing on my glorious farm that most don’t have access to.
Finally, choose to take a couple of simple steps toward action at the end of this year. What are 2 simple things you can begin with in order to step into the intentional, divine version of you that you’ve been dreaming about?
Find out about our upcoming Peace & Abundance retreat HERE.